


I love long-time coach Bob Logan’s definition of this life-changing process:

Coaching is the process of coming alongside a person to help them discover God’s agenda for their life and ministry, and then cooperating with the Holy Spirit to see that agenda become a reality.

For a long time, I confused coaching with counseling, consulting, or mentoring. Here’s a quick rundown of what makes each approach unique. 

  • Counseling assumes a person is broken and issues in the past need to be faced and healed.  
  • Consulting assumes the consultant is an expert and is there to give answers to the person or group receiving the consultation. 
  • Mentoring is sharing one’s experiences with another.
  • Coaching assumes a person is whole, is an expert on him or herself, and desires to move forward into a preferred future. 

While each process is valuable in the right context, both the core assumptions and the future focus of coaching can lead to unparalleled breakthroughs in a person’s life. 

Who is Coaching For?

Coaching is for anyone who wants to live into the best version of themselves and accomplish the things that really matter to them. I love to partner with the Holy Spirit to help people discover their true calling and what next steps will enable them to live that out.

Keys to Coaching


Designed for anyone who desires a breakthrough to a new level


Assumes a person is whole


Believes that each of us is an expert on him or herself


Partners with the Holy Spirit to discover what God has already placed in us


Focuses on a preferred future