How to Pray When You’ve Never Heard From God

How to Pray When You’ve Never Heard From God

“I’ve never heard or felt anything when I pray. It’s like I’m talking to myself.” The words tumbled out in a recent conversation that suddenly felt like a confession. All my friend wants is a real relationship with God, one he can feel that involves a two-way...
Trusting in the Slow Work of God

Trusting in the Slow Work of God

Have you ever enjoyed waiting? Me neither. I think to myself, “I don’t have time for this. I have stuff to do!” My internal clock seems perpetually set to “hurry.” But I’ve noticed in more recent years that God doesn’t have that setting. God’s setting is far slower,...
For Those Who Over Do – Like Me

For Those Who Over Do – Like Me

Be. Be still. Be With. Be in. It was the counsel my spiritual director gave as I started a 5-day silent retreat a while back. After an excessively busy season provoked by unprecedented change, he could see God was calling me to stillness. “When we get more connected...
How to Be Free Indeed

How to Be Free Indeed

Something in every human heart yearns to be free. Deep down, we desire to unlock the door, break the shackles and walk unencumbered into a limitless future. We don’t want structures or organizations or authority figures to tell us what we can and can’t do. We want...
What Is Love?

What Is Love?

Some children were asked, “What is love?” One little girl answered, “Love is when your mommy reads you a bedtime story. True love is when she doesn’t skip any pages.” A few summers ago I took a youth group on a mission trip to Ashland,...