45 Seconds That Will Change Your Life

45 Seconds That Will Change Your Life

I wasn’t expecting it to change my life. One Sunday, a pastor said, “When you wake up in the morning, what are your first thoughts? They may be about something the night before or what you need to do that day. “What if, instead, you were to slide out of bed onto your...
You May Want to Leap!

You May Want to Leap!

What is Christmas about, really? Before there were big box stores and little boutiques, before big budget advertising and blow out sales, before Christmas was for retailers to finish in the black…it was just about a baby born in a manger to change the world. To...
7 Ways Your Church Can be Revived

7 Ways Your Church Can be Revived

It was like a scene from a movie. As a director of new church development, I went to a church that had closed several months before. A couple of colleagues and I were there to assess the building and its potential for launching a new congregation. None of us were...