by Roger Ross | Jul 4, 2024 | Blog
Something in every human heart yearns to be free. Deep down, we desire to unlock the door, break the shackles and walk unencumbered into a limitless future. We don’t want structures or organizations or authority figures to tell us what we can and can’t do. We want...
by Roger Ross | Mar 29, 2024 | Blog
One day, for no apparent reason, a piece of Scripture set up camp in the back of my head. It would waltz into my morning devotions to say “hi” but wasn’t satisfied with such an obvious setting. It chose to show up at night, during a meeting at work, or in a...
by Roger Ross | Sep 26, 2023 | Blog
Suddenly, a casual conversation turned into a hushed confession. Choking back tears, the person across from me struggled to squeeze any sense out of something gone so wrong. Once the story spilled, a long silence was broken with a whisper, “I just can’t forgive...
by Roger Ross | Sep 5, 2023 | Blog
Suddenly, his voice broke. After hours of conversation, a pastor friend felt safe enough to share a very painful experience. Someone in the church he serves had made some vicious and personal attacks on him. They intentionally slandered his character, spread false...
by Roger Ross | Aug 29, 2023 | Blog
I witnessed it just the other day. Someone’s name was mentioned, and it touched off a firestorm in the woman next to us. Her face hardened and her voice lowered. Veins began to pop in her neck. She had no idea how bound she was by bitterness, but those around her...
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