How to Be Free Indeed

How to Be Free Indeed

Something in every human heart yearns to be free. Deep down, we desire to unlock the door, break the shackles and walk unencumbered into a limitless future. We don’t want structures or organizations or authority figures to tell us what we can and can’t do. We want...
What Is Love?

What Is Love?

Some children were asked, “What is love?” One little girl answered, “Love is when your mommy reads you a bedtime story. True love is when she doesn’t skip any pages.” A few summers ago I took a youth group on a mission trip to Ashland,...
Slowing Down to Save Your Soul

Slowing Down to Save Your Soul

The apostles (Jesus’ disciples who had been sent out to teach and heal) gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. Then, because so many people were coming and going…they did not even have a chance to eat. Mark 6:30-31 How would you like...
7 Ways Your Church Can be Revived

7 Ways Your Church Can be Revived

It was like a scene from a movie. As a director of new church development, I went to a church that had closed several months before. A couple of colleagues and I were there to assess the building and its potential for launching a new congregation. None of us were...
Getting Your Heart’s Desire

Getting Your Heart’s Desire

In his book, Why I Am Still Surprised by the Power of the Spirit, Jack Deere describes a poignant moment during a service of healing. An articulate woman who was chronically depressed came forward and asked for prayer. She said, “I finally figured out the true nature...
The Choice Every Church Must Make to See a Turnaround

The Choice Every Church Must Make to See a Turnaround

Suddenly, the room went quiet.   After a long debate about the church’s future, a well-respected lay leader leaned forward with tears in her eyes and declared, “We have to do everything we can to keep our doors open!” As heads nodded around the table, I knew we...
The Doorway to Compassion

The Doorway to Compassion

For nearly two years, I’ve been praying the Wesley Covenant Prayer on my knees each day. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, did not write the prayer, but he adopted it for covenant renewal services often held around the new year. He saw it as a potent way to...
Who Needs to Hear Your Prayers?

Who Needs to Hear Your Prayers?

In What’s So Amazing About Grace?, Philip Yancey tells the story of Peter Greave. Greave contracted leprosy while stationed in India. “He returned to England, half-blind and partially paralyzed, to live on a compound run by a group of Anglican sisters. Unable to work...